Regulatory Requirements

GME has been granted an Authorised Market Institution license (AMI) by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). GME is under the direct jurisdiction of the DFSA and GME is required to comply with the DFSA regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of GME to regulate the operation of the market and the DFSA is responsible for the authorisation or recognition (as appropriate) of the GME Members. Additionally, GME is subject to regulatory controls and input from various Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and Emirates Government offices. In international trading, rules applied by overseas regulatory bodies such as the CFTC in the USA, MAS in Singapore, SFC in Hong Kong and FCA in the UK also have to be taken into account. To ensure the observance of these regulations, GME has a compliance department under the supervision of its CCO/Head of Compliance who reports directly to the GME Board in relation to compliance matters. In conducting business as an AMI, the GME applies best practices to offer the highest international standards in market regulation.

Ethic Guidelines

Gulf Mercantile Exchange Limited ("GME") is committed to the highest ethical standards. GME expects the same commitment from all members and users of the Exchange and from GME's directors, committee members and employees.

In the course of their professional duties and their relations with each other and with regulators, clients and the public in general, GME's members and users, directors, committee members and employees are expected to adhere to the principles and rules set out in these Ethics Guidelines ("Guidelines") and to conduct their business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Their conduct should reflect GME's values and should be in a manner that upholds GME's reputation for integrity, ethical conduct, trust and professionalism.

Have a question?
Reach out to the CME Global Command Center for trade related customer support:
Asia: +65 6532 5010 | Europe: +44 800 898 013 | North America: +1 800 438 8616